Friday, September 18, 2015

A Glimpse Into Mama Jean's Home: Meet Reuben

Reuben is fantastic. He is dedicated. He is quiet.

Reuben is our house dad for Mama Jean's Home. He lives with the boys; he also mentors the boys; he laughs with the boys and he loves the boys.

And he's a really good football (soccer for the North Americans here!) player.

Reuben is a single man, in his early 20's, who has decided to live life with these boys. He helps them with their homework. He is a great role model and mentor for the boys and we are thankful to have him on staff.

A note from Reuben:

"This is a wonderful opportunity that the Almighty God has put aside to create a change towards a society that we want in Kenya; through the support of One 5 Ministries. It's one full of young men, young people now that can make their own sound decisions about their future.

Whenever I talk and provide guidance on the topic of how the boys can change their life from the street to now, I know it can be done through this positive project, Mama Jean's.  It's amazing that the boys, now they can feel a sense of love from all of us here and from above with Jesus, as they can now put the street life behind them and now look to a brighter future.

All these have made us as the staff to be motivated and excited. From the discipleship we, the staff receive, we now always know and make sure that the love of God, plus our admiration and respect for Him, are always present.

So to everyone who does support or wishes to support One 5 Ministries and Mama Jean's Home, I appreciate it and give thanks to what you have done and what you can do for us all here. May the Lord God grant you a healthy life and to help accomplish our mission here with these boys in Kenya!

Please pray for Reuben today. Pray for God to continue to give him the wisdom and discernment he needs to help continue to raise the boys at the home. 

We need your support; to house, to feed, to educate and to care for these boys as well as pay the salaries for the staff members, like Reuben.  If you would like to donate (whether one-time or monthly) please see below of how to do so in both Canada and the United States.

Please visit our website ( for the address of where to send a cheque. Please ensure that the memo of the cheque states: O5M:Mama Jean's.

If you would like to do an online donation, please visit this website ( They are processing the online (and cheque) donations for O5M. You will see a yellow donate button on the left hand side of the home screen.

Please visit the website ( for the address of where to send the check. Please ensure that the memo line of the check states: Kenya: Mama Jean's.

You can also do an online donation through that website. Please ensure to designate the funds to: Kenya: Mama Jean's to ensure that it gets to the home.  

If you have any questions or would like more information, please email us at

Tomorrow, we'll introduce another boy. See you then!!

In His Service,


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