Monday, June 20, 2011

Two deaths for the price of what?

This morning I learned that a compound in our community, which belongs to a very well known organization, was broken into over the weekend.   The two watchmen, who look after the compound in the evening, were beaten, tied up and slaughtered.  For what?

Computers. Cameras. Money.

Two men died; their lives, in the eyes of the thieves, were worth less than a computer, a camera and money.

Are things becoming so desperate here that people are now doing the desperate measures to get by? And do desperate measures really mean taking the life of two men? Men who were sons, brothers, fathers, and husbands. It sickens me.

Desperate times are here. Maize (corn) bags at 90kgs are selling at about 4,000 shillings ($44 CDN) each (and as a maize scandal continues to rock this country). Maize is the staple food here for Kenyans. And at $44 per 90kg bag, it’s very expensive for a family who may only live off of $30 CDN per month.

Then we have the rice shortage that is happening. We’re being told by people that rice is becoming scarce here as the distributors of rice are being sold up by the Asians. So any rice that we do have here is going up in price. Rice is another great dish among the Kenyan people.

As we feel it all over the world, prices of EVERYTHING are going up. Most of us are feeling the pinch.

But to resort to slaughtering two men to get electronics, to sell, to have money? No, that’s not right.

My heart is heavy today. Yes, with the news that I heard of two men dying such a horrible death but for something even more.

I can’t explain the heaviness. It’s hard to put into words and in all honesty, I’m not sure I completely understand it myself.

Much love,


Paula Helton on June 21, 2011 at 7:23 AM said...

My heart feels your heaviness. Praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry,and your words as always are from that very big heart and soul of yours. How are you all with the maize situation. We raised some money early in the crisis for TA. ARe you still with TA or have you moved on the new chapter in your journey?
Let us know if you need help. Prayers are coming your way
Ann Schroeder

Anonymous said...

You both see and experience things that most of us only hear about. I also do not understand why so many value things above human life. My heart and prayers go out to you both and to the youth that you work with that see this senseless violence and must wonder about their own future. I know that you will keep your eyes on He that is most holy and not on the work of the wicked. Even in times when we are challenged we know that He is always there.

Love you - Elizabeth

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